CFMU Young Generations Coordinator Track
Who’s it for?
For those who work with young generations in any capacity—whether as a parent, grandparent, youth or young adult leader, teacher, guidance counselor or just friend. Leading Teens to Freedom in Christ (CFM 301) and Identity-Based Spiritual Formation (CFM 302) form a foundational strategy designed to help adults minister to young generations in the moment when they are most open to the love of God and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Coordinator Track Includes
Self-Paced Video Courses
2 online, self-paced video courses (CFM 301 & CFM 302). The courses are divided into 4 modules. Each module consists of an introductory video, completion of a workbook section, and a wrap up video with an opportunity at the end of each module to check your understanding.
Course Materials
With registration, you will receive a copy of The Steps to Freedom in Christ for Teens, and 2 training manuals—CFM 301 and CFM 302.
GenFree Intensive
Get ready for 2 days of training and inspiration with youth ministers, young adult ministers, leaders, counselors and families focused on helping young people find their identity and live free in Christ. Check out our events page for dates of the next Intensive!
Note: Registration for a GenFree Intensive is separate from registration to the Youth Coordinator Track.
Classes for those who want to understand and work with GenZ
CFM 301, Leading Teens to Freedom in Christ
CFM 301, Leading Teens to Freedom in Christ, is designed to give you tools to make a difference in the lives of young generations. The course helps you in understanding Generation Z, provides foundational discipleship counseling theory and practical training, as well as basics for dealing with spiritual conflict. It gives you a strategy to help young people overcome negative thoughts and bad habits, and provides strategies for dealing with young people in crisis. The course provides strategies that intentionally focus on younger inquirers and build on the foundational principles of Discipleship Counseling. The course starts with some help for you in the understanding Generation Z.
CFM 302, Identity Based Spiritual Formation
CFM 302, Identity Based Spiritual Formation, is designed to complement CFM 301 (Leading Teens to Freedom in Christ). Rather than lead with the byproduct of spiritual maturity (good works and holy living), CFM 302 stresses the truth of the young person’s identity in Christ with the understanding that sanctified behavior follows sanctified belief. Freedom and maturity are the pillars of sanctification, or what the Bible refers to as transformed living by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2). Identity Based Spiritual Formation begins with the believer’s identity in Christ. Once a young person begins to understand and personalize the “new birth” and who they have now become through faith in Jesus, a whole new realm of possibility opens, and they are free to discover the victorious, righteously productive life that Jesus died to give them. The principles in this course are set forth with the highest degree of confidence in the Scriptures, the teachings of Freedom in Christ Ministries and years of experience and fruitfulness in teen ministry.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Even though CFM 301 and 302 are complementary to all other CFMU courses, these youth specialist courses, along with the GenFree Intensive, are designed to equip registrants without requiring any preliminary CFMU coursework.
To explain your situation and get answers to these questions, call (865) 342-4000 and indicate you are interested in taking CFM 301 and CFM 302 with a group within your church or organization. Inquiries can also be made by contacting Mellisa Pressley at genfree@ficm.org.
We won’t! The courses are there for your benefit – a self-learning experience. Only if you want to complete the Intensive and become FICM certified as a GenFree Specialist will we know anything about your knowledge and expertise. Since gaining certification requires completion of these courses prior to the Intensive, it is important that you complete them, if you want to complete the certification process.
No! Taking some other CFMU courses requires a Moodle account, but CFM 301 and 302 do not. As an alternative, these two courses are offered through a website, since there are no assignments, quizzes or tests to track. However, if you do have a CFMU Moodle account already, you will be able to access the courses through Moodle.
After you register for CFM301/302, you will receive the website address and password, unless you already have a CFMU Moodle account. If you already have a Moodle account, you will be enrolled in the courses through Moodle, rather than through a separate website.
Please allow a day or two to receive your registration information. -
To register for both of the courses (CFM 301, CFM 302) and the Intensive, you register via the above link. After you register, within a day or two, course access information and materials will be emailed and/or mailed to you.
You can register in any of 2 ways:
1) register via https://www.shelbygiving.com/App/Form/38837163-bccc-4779-9470-bc994987b20d, or
2) call the FICM office at (865) 342-4000. -
No! You don’t have to become a GenFree Specialist to help a teen or young adult process “The Steps”. However, as mentioned in all our materials and courses for Encouragers (the term used for persons leading freedom appointments), you should not try to lead someone through “The Steps” until you have gone through the process yourself. Also, it is wise to observe someone else lead the process before attempting it yourself. (You will have opportunity to do both in a Practicum, if not elsewhere.)
We strongly recommend having someone with you as a prayer partner in any freedom appointment. (You will learn about the role of a prayer partner in the courses.) And, we encourage you to serve as a prayer partner before taking on the role of Encourager. (You get opportunity to “practice” both roles during Practicum.)
An Intensive consists of 2 days of instruction and interaction with Mellisa Pressley and others, like yourself, who are seeking to become GenFree Specialists or just work with young generations. Intensives are held at various times and various places in the U.S., depending on the number and geographic locations of participants. Check the Events page for information.
The cost of the Intensive is dependent on a number of factors, but currently $99, and you will be responsible for your own transportation, housing, and some meals.
NOTE. It may be possible to schedule an Intensive in your church or community, if 10 or more youth or young adult leaders and workers from one or several churches or organizations decide to go through this training together. Inquiries can be made at genfree@ficm.org. -
The cost for both courses is $222.00. Included in that cost are
a. access to the online videos,
b. an online copy of the course workbook/text,
c. a hard copy of the workbook/text,
d. a hard copy of Dr. Neil Anderson’s book “Restored”, and
e. a hard copy of “The Steps To Freedom For Young Adults”.
When you register for a course, hard copies (c, d, e) will be sent to you, and your course confirmation and how to access the course will be emailed to you. There is additional cost for the GenFree Intensive, required for those who want to become Freedom in Christ GenFree Specialists.